Angular Interceptors

Angular Interceptors

Angular Interceptors modify the http requests before they are sent to web server.

Here is the simple LogInterceptor which implements HttpInterceptor and overrides the intercept() method

  • @Injectable()
  • export class LogInterceptor implements HttpInterceptor {
  • intercept(
  • request: HttpRequest, next: HttpHandler
  • ) : Observable> {
  • console.log(request.url);
  • return next.handle(request);
  • }
  • }

Add interceptor as provider in the module

  • import { HTTP_INTERCEPTORS } from '@angular/common/http';
  • import { LogInterceptor } from '...';
  • @NgModule({
  • imports: [
  • HttpClientModule
  • ],
  • providers: [
  • {
  • useClass: LogInterceptor
  • }
  • ],
  • })
  • export class AppModule { }